
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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The goal of the research was to research the influence of feed additive “Betain” on the meat quality of hybrid pigs F1. The scientific experiment was conducted at Ukrainian-Holland Ltd. “Servolyuks geneticists” of Orativ district Vinnytsia region. The hybrids F1 (Large White × Landrace) of piglets counterparts were selected for research. In order to level the energy of piglets’ growth we had an egalitarian period lasted for 15 days. The control group during the egalitarian and basic period consumed the basic died (BD); it is a complete feed of «Trouw Nutrition International» company. The researched groups were additionally fed by various doses of feed additive “Betain”. It was proved that consumption of feed additive by hybrid pigs increases the protein contents by 5,5 %; the total humidity by 0,4 % and connected humidity by 1,4 %. However, the level of fat has decreased by 50,0 %, marbling by 25,8%, caloric by 12,3% and ash by 2,14%. It was proved that feeding pigs by researched preparation caused the increasing of arginine, methionine, histidine, threonine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, aspartic acid, glutamine acid, alanine, proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine and glycine. When we use Betain for pigs feeding increases phosphorus by 3,7 %, calcium by 38,4% magnesium by 12,9 %, iron by 13,9%, zinc by 18,3 %, cobalt by 73,9 %, manganese by 66.6%, copper by 96,7%. The usage of preparation Betain as a part of pigs diet causes the increase of such fat acids in the pig lard as oleic by 1.12%, arachidonic by 0,03%, linoleic by 1,9%, α - linolenic by 0,15%, γ-linolenic by 0,04%, pentadetsylove by 0,01%, margarine and oleic by 0,15% , margarine by 0,61%, stearic by 3,06% and peanut fatty acid by 0,02%.

About the Authors

R. Chudak
Vinnytsia national agrarian university


Y. Poberezhets
Vinnytsia national agrarian university


Y. Babkov
Vinnytsia national agrarian university



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For citations:

Chudak R., Poberezhets Y., Babkov Y. INFLUENCE OF FEED ADDITIVE «BETAIN» ON PORK-AND-LARD QUALITIES OF PIGS. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2016;(11):165-171. (In Russ.)

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