
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Results of researches on studying of a mineral and vitamin profile of raw materials containing collagen are presented in article. It is established that raw materials containing collagen are a significant source of iron (up to 44,55 mg / 100г), selenium (up to 62,2 mkg / 100г), copper (up to 0,26 mg / 100г), zinc (up to 2,11 mg / 100г), potassium (up to 429 mg / 100), calcium (up to 81 mg / 100г), magnesium (up to 22 mg / 100г), sodium (up to 198 mg / 100г), phosphorus (up to 296 mg / 100г), manganese (up to 0,1 mg / 100г), B1 vitamins (up to 0,08 mg / 100г), B2 (up to 0,37 mg / 100г), B5 (up to 1,08 mg / 100г), B9 (up to 11 mkg / 100г), B12 (up to 5,68 mkg / 100г), B3 (PP) (up to 8,4 mg / 100г), С (to 45,5 mg / 100г), the satisfaction of daily need for these micronutrients allowing to provide substantially and also is characterized by the confidant to recommended by a ratio Са:Р – 1:2,0 and 1:0,8 (a skin, ears pork and a hem), Ca:Mg – 3,9:1; 3,0:1; 0,7:1 (a skin, ears pork and easy) and Na:K – 1: (0,3– 5,1) (a spleen, lungs, a skin, ears pork and a hem) that will allow to improve ratios of these mineral elements in finished products at partial replacement of meat raw materials by containing collagen.

About the Authors

A. Meliaschenya
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry

T. Saveleva
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry

S. Gordynets
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry

I. Kaltovich
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


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For citations:

Meliaschenya A., Saveleva T., Gordynets S., Kaltovich I. STUDYING OF THE MINERAL AND VITAMIN PROFILE OF RAW MATERIALS CONTAINING COLLAGEN. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2017;(12):149-158. (In Russ.)

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