Formation single milk products market by members-states of Custom union
Production of agricultural products in Custom union can not only provide the population within quality nutrition, but also export it to other countries. Favorable foreign economic situation in the global dairy market (consumption growth and stable increasing prices) must be supplemented by measures of the Custom union, aimed to make the export position more strong in the global dairy market. It's worth to create single dairy market for Custom union to improve the competitiveness of dairy products and market diversification.
About the Authors
A. V. MeliashcheniaBelarus
K. A. Kryvanozhankova
1. Аналитический вестник международных исследований Белорусского Государственного университета №1, 2012 - №1. - С. 1-64
For citations:
Meliashchenia A.V., Kryvanozhankova K.A. Formation single milk products market by members-states of Custom union. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2012;(7):16-23. (In Russ.)