Studying of rheological behavior of sour-milk drinks from the secondary dairy raw materials
Rheological behaviour of sour-milk drinks from the secondary dairy raw materials at different temperatures. Degree of thixotropic restoration of frame of drinks after mechanical influence is defined. Influence of the stabilizer on rheological behaviour of ready drinks is positioned. The expediency of application of the stabilizer is proved by production of sour-milk drinks from the secondary dairy raw materials for increase of viscosity, conservation of an unimodal consistence of a product and a hardle to whey branch.
About the Authors
T. L. ShuljakBelarus
T. I. Shingareva
A. A. Kalinova
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For citations:
Shuljak T.L., Shingareva T.I., Kalinova A.A. Studying of rheological behavior of sour-milk drinks from the secondary dairy raw materials. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2012;(7):70-81. (In Russ.)