Rheological bases of the process of separation of meat and bone raw materials by the screw pressing unit
The process of separating meat and bone raw materials using screw devices is considered. A rheological model of the fullness extraction of the meat fraction during the separation of meat and bone raw materials by the screw pressing unit has been developed. A laboratory stand with a screw pressing unit for separating meat and bone raw materials was designed and manufactured. The results of experimental studies of the influence of modal constructive parameters of a laboratory deboning press on the fullness extraction of meat fraction during the separation of meat and bone raw materials are presented.
About the Authors
V. GrudanovBelarus
A. Brench
I. Datsuk
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For citations:
Grudanov V., Brench A., Datsuk I. Rheological bases of the process of separation of meat and bone raw materials by the screw pressing unit. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):229-241. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/2220-8755-2019-14-229-241