The productive characteristics of hybrid piglets at growing when using betaine
The results of studies of the productive characteristics of hybrid piglets at growing with the addition of different amount of the feed additive betaine into the diet are given. During the equalizing period the productive characteristics of animals in research groups were close to the animals in the control group, their average daily gains range of 248-250 g and the absolute gain is from 71.6 to 72.3 kg. However, the introduction of betaine into the diet in the amount of 1 kg per 1 ton of feed increased the consumption of feed by 4.18% in the third research group of animals. It is established that when using the feed additive betaine in the pigs’diet, the highest characteristics of growth were observed in the third research group of animals, where the average daily gain was 743 g and the absolute one - 378.8 kg. Throughout the period of research the piglets’ survival was 100%.
The optimal amount of betaine for feeding piglets at growing is established. It is 1 kg per 1 ton of feed.
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For citations:
Chudak R. The productive characteristics of hybrid piglets at growing when using betaine. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):242-247. (In Russ.)