Rational technological parameters of production of combined chopped meat semi-finished products based on lamb using raw materials of vegetable origin
The article presents the results of studies to determine the technological parameters of the production of combined chopped semi-finished products based on lamb using raw materials of vegetable origin, including rational dosages of white cabbage (15%), pumpkin (10%), sesame seeds (7%), dry dill (0.2%), water (10%) as part of these products, parameters for preliminary preparation of vegetable raw materials, rational duration (5 minutes) and the procedure for making minced meat, optimal methods and parameters for heat treatment of products (steaming (t = 95-100 ºC, τ=30 minutes), steaming with a mixture of sunflower oil and water (V (oils) = 3% by weight of raw material, oil: water - 1:4 ratio, t = 115 ºC, τ=25 minutes). It has been revealed that combined meat chopped semifinished products based on mutton using vegetable raw materials are characterized by higher content of protein (14.3–15.1%), essential amino acids (42.0–42.1 g/100 g), index of essential amino acids (1.5–1.6), reduced fat content (9.6–10.2%) and amino acid composition utilitariality coefficient (0.80–0.81) close to the reference standard as per compared to control samples without the use of this raw material, which indicates a higher balance of the composition of the developed products. The production of meat products using vegetable raw materials will not only expand the range of high-quality full-energy products, but will also contribute to the rational use of raw materials.
About the Authors
I. V. KaltovichRussian Federation
V. S. Shakalinskауa
Russian Federation
I. O. Chernuho
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Kaltovich I.V., Shakalinskауa V.S., Chernuho I.O. Rational technological parameters of production of combined chopped meat semi-finished products based on lamb using raw materials of vegetable origin. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2022;(17):285-296. (In Russ.)