
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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The world economic crisis has reduced the temps of organic market development all over the world. Nowadays people can not afford expensive organic products. But experts say that richer consumers that used to buy the products with "bio" label will continue to buy them. Experts are also sure that as soon as economic system will be improved, the organic market will grow rapidly. There are a lot of hidden problems, that's why there is not a clear idea of the connection between real costs for agrarians and the price formation at different stages of technological production chain. In Europe, the organic market exists already for 30 years In Ukraine organic market is developing very quickly. More than 40 percent of consumers are ready to buy free range products for higher prices. However, Ukrainian producers can not meet the demand for "healthy food". As a rule organic milk is produced mainly by the small family farms without antibiotics, synthetic hormones, pesticides or growth stimulants. The animals are kept humanely, they graze on certified pastures, and they consume only certified organic feeds of plant origin. The production of organic products is determined by such three parameters as environmentally friendly raw materials, organic ingredientsand technological process. That's why organic farming has such environmental advantages as reduced carbon emissions, nitrous oxide and methane. Annual certification, periodical inspection and suitable labeling provide conformity of organic products to strict organic standards. All the production stages of milk products are strictly controlled by certificated bodies. Nowadays the producers have the tasks to expand the product range of dairy products and scientific substantiation of certain manufacturing operations regimes (pasteurization, separation, maturation) without hominization to form usual organoleptic qualities of certain types of organic dairy and fat- containing products for domestic consumers . It is necessary to provide the consumer with foodstuffs based on organic compounds that are useful for human body, have a healthy effect if they are consumed regularly. The level of buyer awareness should be higher; the consumer should be stimulated to buy organic products. It is necessary to expand the presence of healthy food in distribution network of Ukraine. The main problems of organic milk domestic market should be determined. The attention should be concentrated on the formation of market conditions in this area.

About the Authors

O. Voznyuk
Vinnytsia national agrarian university


T. Golubenko
Vinnytsia national agrarian university



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For citations:

Voznyuk O., Golubenko T. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC DAIRY PRODUCTS IN UKRAINE AND THE WORLD. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2016;(11):87-94. (In Russ.)

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