
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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The isolation of whey β-lactoglobulin


The analysis of existing methods for the isolationofwhey β- lactoglobulin is conducted and it is established that the following methods such aschromatography, membrane filtration, precipitation and thermaldenaturation are used actually. The possibility of the isolationofβ- lactoglobulinwith precipitation and thermal denaturation methods is determined in laboratory conditions. Based on the results of the experiments it is established that indicatedmethods can be used to isolate whey β- lactoglobulin, though it is necessary to consider them in the context of possible combination with others.

About the Authors

O. Dymar
Институт мясо-молочной промышленности

K. Shehidzevich
Институт мясо-молочной промышленности


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For citations:

Dymar O., Shehidzevich K. The isolation of whey β-lactoglobulin. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2014;1(9):69-76. (In Russ.)

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