Research on the effectiveness of the use of antimicrobial and fungicidal agents in cheese industry
The article describes the results of the research on the effectiveness of the use of antimicrobial and fungicidal agentsin cheese brining. Potassium nitrate, sorbic acid, natamycin, nisin and lysozyme were used as antimicrobial and fungicidal agents.It has been established that nisin is the most effective mean toeliminate the extraneous microflora developmentin brine and natamycin is the most effective fungicidal agent.
About the Authors
L. BogdanovaBelarus
I. Frolov
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For citations:
Bogdanova L., Frolov I. Research on the effectiveness of the use of antimicrobial and fungicidal agents in cheese industry. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2014;1(9):77-82. (In Russ.)