The influence of paratype factors on milk applicability to cheese making have been researched and measures for their improvement have been developed in the article.
The huge problem of resource supply to the cheesemaking region is the low quality of the produced milk.
The main condition of milk applicability to cheese making is its ability to quickly fold under the action of enzymes forming a dense bunch and separating the whey and keeping the fat. In addition, milk should be a favorable environment for the development of microflora necessary for the formation of organoleptic indicators of cheeses.
Milk applicability to cheese making and cheese quality are much more dependent on rations and types of cow feeding than other dairy products because cheese production is based on enzymatic and microbiological processes related to the composition and biological properties of milk.
Analyzing the quality of milk according to the indicators that affect the availability of cheese, it is possible to observe a tendency of the fat and protein content decrease from March to August and its increase in the winter period.
The maximum value of the average fat content is observed in February, it is 3.82%. The maximum value of the average protein content is observed in November, it is 3.19%. The minimum values of fat are in July, they are 3.33%, the minimum values of protein are in March, and they are 2.81 %.
According to the results of the research, milk ability to rennet coagulation deteriorates noticeably when it is deeply cooled to a temperature of 2-6 ° C.
It has been established that milk obtained on the 3rd – 6th month of lactation is the best milk for cheese production. It quickly coagulates under the action of rennet enzyme; the clot is dense and elastic, besides it takes less time to process it.
It is recommended to exclude an excessive portion of silage during the stall period because it impairs the organoleptic characteristics of milk, reduces rennet clotting and increases the likelihood of oil-acid bacteria in milk. When performing primary milk processing, eliminate deep cooling and limit the longterm storage of milk. It is necessary to prevent getting into milk of the impurities of colostrum, old-milk and milk from patients with mastitis of cows. It is also recommended to monitor the content of somatic cells in milk in a timely manner to respond to their increase.
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For citations:
Novgorodska N. FACTORS DETERMINING MILK APPLICABILITY TO CHEESE MAKING. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2017;(12):143-148. (In Russ.)