Development of new dairy products for pregnant women and nursing mothers
Rationally organized food women, both during pregnancy and lactation can provide not only the proper development of the fetus and infant, but also to maintain a good level of health. During pregnancy, women are designed to provide power for the right, the favorable outcome of pregnancy and to maintain an optimal state of health of women, thereby contributing to normal formation, growth and development of the fetus. During the period of breastfeeding women the power to organize with the support of her health, to ensure adequate and continuous lactation at the optimal composition of breast milk.
In the nutrition of pregnant women and nursing mothers should use a wide range of natural products with high nutritional and biological value: milk and its derivatives (milk drinks, cottage cheese, cheese), meat, poultry, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruit, grain products, dairy and vegetable oil. However, these products are not always able to fully meet the woman and her baby's needs with essential nutritional factors, especially vitamins and minerals: calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and others. Therefore, to optimize the diets of pregnant women and nursing mothers need to use specialized products, including milk-based.
About the Authors
T. V. TrofimovaBelarus
E. V. Efimova
M. T. Serebryanska
S. I. Vyrina
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For citations:
Trofimova T.V., Efimova E.V., Serebryanska M.T., Vyrina S.I. Development of new dairy products for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2012;(7):48-59. (In Russ.)