
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Higher nutritional value of milk drinks the use оf plant material


Strategically reasonable directions of food, security is the need of the market saturation of the domestic production of dairy products, the increase in output with high biological value that can satisfy the body's need for versatile high-grade food.

In terms of percentages of protein used its considerable resources inefficiently. Therefore, one of the most important problems of the dairy industry in Kazakhstan is the development and production of new products with a high content of easily digestible protein, both animal and vegetable origin.

Our choice was based on the desire to solve some technological issues, such as: the rational use of raw materials on the principles of non-waste technology, the intensification of the process, ie shortening of manufacturing operations, increase shelf life without preservatives.

When creating a biotechnology dairy with a complex composition of raw materials, probiotic properties is necessary to consider a combination of factors: the chemical composition of the basic raw materials and ingredients, biochemical and microbiological processes that lead to changes in the properties, the main ones are:

-          high nutritional and biological value of the produce, it's maximum utilization by the human body, the positive effect on the metabolism of the body (maintaining energy balance, maintaining body weight, etc.);

-          presence in the product of viable cells of probiotic microorganisms in an amount of not less than 108-109 cells per 1 ml (g);

-          antibiotic activity against Mycobacterium.


About the Authors

G. Esirkep
Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса

F. Dihanbaeva
Алматинский технологический университет

K. S. Kulazhanov
Алматинский технологический университет


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For citations:

Esirkep G., Dihanbaeva F., Kulazhanov K.S. Higher nutritional value of milk drinks the use оf plant material. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2012;(7):60-69. (In Russ.)

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