The methods of whey proteins’ separation
Whey proteins' separation is based on such characteristics as isoelectric point and molecular weight. There are two types of existing methods of whey proteins' separation. It can be separated in the denatured state or in the native form. The first method is a the method of salting, the membrane and chromatographic methods are the second one. The basics techniques of gel filtration and its installation are described. The approbation of the method of gel filtration is considered. The results of the approbation are presented.
About the Authors
O. V. DymarBelarus
E. E. Nyrkova
K. D. Shehidzevich
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For citations:
Dymar O.V., Nyrkova E.E., Shehidzevich K.D. The methods of whey proteins’ separation. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2012;(7):82-91. (In Russ.)