Influence of dairy raw materials and сoagulation mean on structurally-mechanical haracteristic albuminous production
Structurally-mechanical characteristics of the albuminous production received from various dairy raw materials by a mean of thermoacid coagulation, and the cottage cheese received by acid coagulation are investigated. The difference in formation of rheological parametres is positioned: hardnesss, elasticity, plasticity, depending on a mean of coagulation, composition and properties of dairy raw materials.
About the Authors
T. I. ShingarevaBelarus
Н. A. Skaptsova
M. A. Glushakov
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For citations:
Shingareva T.I., Skaptsova Н.A., Glushakov M.A. Influence of dairy raw materials and сoagulation mean on structurally-mechanical haracteristic albuminous production. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2012;(7):92-102. (In Russ.)