
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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New approaches to the creation of special meat products special for supply people involved in sports


Describes the selection of raw materials for the production of canned meat special purpose for human nutrition, sports and leisure. The analysis developed for canned meat content of protein, fat, lactulose, succinic acid and selenium ratio protein: fat and balanced amino acid composition. Evaluated the physiological relevance of products developed to enhance adaptation to increased physical activity.


About the Authors

O. V. Dymar
Институт мясо-молочной промышленности

S. A. Gordynets
Институт мясо-молочной промышленности

I. V. Kaltovich
Институт мясо-молочной промышленности


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3. Рогозкин, В.А. Питание спортсменов / В.А. Рогозкин, А.И. Пшендин, Н.Н. Шишина. - М.: ФиС, 1989. - 160 с.

4. Арансон, М.В. Питание для спортсменов / М.В. Арансон. - М.: ФиС, 2001. - 215 с.

5. Токаев, Э.С. Медико-биологические аспекты создания и применения специализированных белковых продуктов для питания спортсменов / Э.С. Токаев, Р.Ю. Мироедов // Вопросы питания. - 2007. -№6. - С. 69-73.


For citations:

Dymar O.V., Gordynets S.A., Kaltovich I.V. New approaches to the creation of special meat products special for supply people involved in sports. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2012;(7):153-165. (In Russ.)

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