The article analyzes the amino acid composition of veal from bull-calves of different genotype. It has been established that the meat of the Steels of the Charolaise breed is biologically more complete than the Aberdeen Angus of the first generation in terms of the valine content by the amino acid composition, by 0.09 g or 7.4%, isoleucine by 0.58 g or 45.3% (P <0.001), leucine - 0.24 g or 15.2% (P <0.001), lysine - 0.14 g or 7.8%, threonine and phenylalanine + tyrosine - 0.06 g or 6.5 % (P <0.05) and 0.05 g or 7.5% (P <0.01), respectively. It has been revealed that veal, obtained from young animals of different breeds in ecologically clean zones, has a high biological and nutritional value.
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For citations:
Golubenko T. COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF AMINO ACID COMPOSITION OF VEALS FROM BULLS OF DIFFERENT GENOTYPE. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2017;(12):164-169. (In Russ.)