Assessment of technological characteristics of consortia of lactic acid microorganisms during freezing in liquid nitrogen and storage
The article provides a comparative assessment of the main technological characteristics of consortia of lactic acid microorganisms used to make starter cultures for cottage cheese products, before and after freezing in liquid nitrogen, during storage for 6 months. It was found that when stored for 6 months with a temperature regime of minus (40 ± 2) ºС and below, the main technologically significant characteristics of consortia of lactic acid microorganisms for the manufacture of starter cultures used in the dairy industry are preserved.
About the Authors
O. TitovaBelarus
O. Golovach
M. Proshkina
I. Spiridonova
N. Zhabanos
N. Furik
T. Savelyeva
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For citations:
Titova O., Golovach O., Proshkina M., Spiridonova I., Zhabanos N., Furik N., Savelyeva T. Assessment of technological characteristics of consortia of lactic acid microorganisms during freezing in liquid nitrogen and storage. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):50-57. (In Russ.)