
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Intensification of the melanoidin formation reaction in the production of sweet boiled canned milk


The article gives empirical grounding of reducing the melanoidins formation process duration at high-temperature processing of sweet canned milk due to the use of enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose. In sweet canned milk samples with hydrolyzed lactose there was a more intensive decrease in active acidity and an increase in oxidation-reduction potential and obviously a change in milk color within a short period of time by contrast to milk with not hydrolyzed lactose. Lactose disaccharide splitting to (38±2)% allows to reduce the duration of high-temperature processing average by 40% at traditionally applied prossing temperature of (105±5) °C, and reduce the sucrose content in the finished product by 3–8%. The use of fructose in order to accelerate the process of cooking whole condensed milk is not rational.

About the Authors

L. Sokolovskaya
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry


O. Soroko
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry


I. Miklukh
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry


E. Bespalova
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry



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For citations:

Sokolovskaya L., Soroko O., Miklukh I., Bespalova E. Intensification of the melanoidin formation reaction in the production of sweet boiled canned milk. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):112-122. (In Russ.)

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