Estimation of effective use of protein feed additives produced by processing of milk whey with yeast cultures
The results of testing the innovative protein feed additive "DKB-MS" are presented. It was obtained by processing milk whey with yeast cultures when feeding young cattle and pigs, which indicate the high efficiency of the developed additives. The achieved average daily weight gain of the test animals compared to the control ones, the absence of allergic reactions and 100% safety make it possible to recommend the use of "DKB-MS" additive in industrial cattle breeding and pig breeding.
About the Authors
A. IlyushchankaBelarus
I. Charniak
R. Kusin
N. Yakimovich
I. Dubina
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For citations:
Ilyushchanka A., Charniak I., Kusin R., Yakimovich N., Dubina I. Estimation of effective use of protein feed additives produced by processing of milk whey with yeast cultures. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):176-180. (In Russ.)