Technological features of production of boiled-smoked sausage products at the modern stage
The features of the modern technological process of manufacturing boiled-smoked sausages, including depending on the method of preparation of raw meat, on the type and diameter of the shell, the presence of secondary smoking, are studied. In industrial conditions, the established optimal heat treatment modes were tested according to two schemes, depending on the presence of secondary smoking. Investigations of quality and safety indicators of manufactured samples. Based on the studies, a standard technological instruction for the manufacture of cooked smoked sausages according to the state standard is being developed.
About the Authors
A. MeliashcheniaBelarus
T. Demchina
K. Marchenko
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For citations:
Meliashchenia A., Demchina T., Marchenko K. Technological features of production of boiled-smoked sausage products at the modern stage. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):181-188. (In Russ.)