Influence of detergents and disinfectants on the quality indicators of edible hen eggs washed and disinfected
The article presents the results of evaluating the effect of detergent and various disinfectants used for sanitary treatment of the surface of egg shells of hen edible on their quality and safety indicators. Four disinfectants belonging to different groups of drugs were selected for research: «SUNWAY DES» (peroxide), «Silversil Des» (silver-containing), «Lanex» (quaternary-ammonium compounds), «Catelon 502» (containing peracetic acid). A decrease of the mass of all samples of eggs during the whole storage period (35 days) 5,6–6,6% of initial, was increasing the height of the air chamber eggs 2,3–2,9 times, with the largest increase was in specimens treated by «Silvercel Des» and «Lanex». The decrease in egg density in salt solution was at the same level in all experimental samples. There was a decrease in the yolk index by 7,7% in the control sample and by 16,3–19,0% in the experimental samples, but the yolk shell did not break in all cases. By the end of the shelf eggs life, the shell thickness and elastic deformation met the requirements. According to microbiological indicators, all egg samples during 33 days of storage met the requirements of the technical normative legal acts. Organoleptic evaluation of eggs at 16 and 35 days of storage allowed us to establish that the best, closest in organoleptics to the eggs of the control group, were the eggs of the 1st experimental group, and the worst, according to the conclusion of the majority of tasters, were the eggs of the 3rd experimental group. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the research, it was found that «SUNWAY DES» and «Catelon 502» disinfectants can be recommended for disinfecting the surface of the egg shell of edible hen eggs.
About the Authors
S. GordynetsBelarus
L. Charniauskaya
J. Yakhnovets
S. Kosyanenko
A. Kiselev
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For citations:
Gordynets S., Charniauskaya L., Yakhnovets J., Kosyanenko S., Kiselev A. Influence of detergents and disinfectants on the quality indicators of edible hen eggs washed and disinfected. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):258-269. (In Russ.)