
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Influence of probiotic feed additive «entero-active» on amino acid composition of broiler chicken meat


The research has proved that the usage of probiotyk in feeding of broiler chicken facilitate increasing of the digestibility of amino acids including irreplaceable. Revealed that the digestibility of amino acids was highest in broilers consumption average dose supplements investigated. It should be noted that the increased digestibility of the essential probiotic amino acids, such as: lysine, histidine, arginine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine. Thus, the use of probiotic supplements improve the usefulness of protein supply. Such positive changes result in the increasing of broiler efficiency. The research has proved that the usage of different doses of probiotic supplements «Entero-active» has positively effects on amino acid content in meat of broiler chickens. Specifically, the thoracic and femoral muscles of poultry raised the level of most essential amino acids. Thus, consumption of probiotic feed broilers improves meat quality.

About the Author

Y Poberezhets
Vinnitsa National Agrarian University



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For citations:

Poberezhets Y. Influence of probiotic feed additive «entero-active» on amino acid composition of broiler chicken meat. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):270-278. (In Russ.)

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