International experience legal regulation of organic production
The article analyzes the norms and studies the experience of legal regulation of the production and circulation of organic products in the world and in the EAEU countries. The sources of information are: regulatory legal acts of legislation, reports and references of the EEC, international organizations, national legislation on the regulation of production and circulation of organic products. Methods of comparative jurisprudence were used.
1. Klimova, M.L. Organicheskoe sel'skoe hozjajstvo. Mezhdunarodnyj opyt pravovogo regulirovanija [Organic farming. International experience of legal regulation] / M.L. Klimova // Molochnaja promyshlennost'. – 2018. – № 5. – S. 46–47.
2. Klimova, M.L. Organicheskoe sel'skoe hozjajstvo. Mezhdunarodnyj opyt pravovogo regulirovanija [Organic farming. International experience of legal regulation] / M.L.Klimova // Molochnaja promyshlennost'. – 2018. – № 10. – S. 34–38.
3. Doklad EJeK «O regulirovanii proizvodstva i obrashhenija organicheskoj sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkcii v gosudarstvah – chlenah Evrazijskogo Jekonomicheskogo Sojuza i tret'ih stranah» 2020 g.
4. Spravka EJeK po voprosu vyrabotki soglasovannyh podhodov po normativnomu pravovomu regulirovaniju v sfere organicheskogo sel'skogo hozjajstva v ramkah Evrazijskogo Jekonomicheskogo Sojuza.
5. Klimova, M.L. Razrabotka zakonodatel'noj i normativno-pravovoj bazy po organicheskomu proizvodstvu v Respublike Belarus' [Development of a legislative and regulatory framework for organic production in the Republic of Belarus] / M.L.Klimova // Innovacionnye tehnologii v pishhevoj promyshlennosti: nauka, obrazovanie i proizvodstvo: sbornik materialov IV Mezhdunar. nauch.-tehn. konf., Voronezh, 9–10 nojabrja 2017 g. / Voronezh. gos. un-t inzh. tehnol., Voronezh, 2017. – C. 907–911.
6. Klimova, M.L. Sravnitel'nyj analiz razvitija zakonodatel'noj i normativno-pravovoj bazy po organicheskomu proizvodstvu stran zarubezh'ja i Respubliki Belarus' [Comparative analysis of the development of the legislative and regulatory framework for organic production in foreign countries and the Republic of Belarus] / M. L. Klimova // Innovacionnye tehnologii v pishhevoj promyshlennosti: nauka, obrazovanie i proizvodstvo: sbornik materialov IV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii, Voronezh, 9–10 nojabrja 2017 g. / Voronezh. gos. un-t inzh. tehnol., Voronezh, 2017. – C. 929–933.
7. European Commission [Electronic resource]: Notifications of European Union concerning domestic support commitments/Mode of access: – Date of access: 18.11.2017.
For citations:
Klimova M. International experience legal regulation of organic production. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2020;1(15):25-40. (In Russ.)