Study of physico-chemical parameters and quality indicators of canned milk during their long-term storage at subzero temperatures
The article presents the results of studies of the qualitative indicators of dry and condensed canned milk during long-term storage at subzero temperatures.
About the Authors
E. V. EfimovaBelarus
E. V. Bespalova
E. M. Dmitruk
S. I. Virina
T. M. Smolyak
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For citations:
Efimova E.V., Bespalova E.V., Dmitruk E.M., Virina S.I., Smolyak T.M. Study of physico-chemical parameters and quality indicators of canned milk during their long-term storage at subzero temperatures. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2022;(17):147-155. (In Russ.)