Study of quality indicators of iodine-containing cheese «Adygei» and development of a technological scheme of production
The article presents the results of research of the influence of iodine-containing components (iodized salt and iodine casein) on the quality indicators of soft cheese made by the thermoacid method of casein coagulation (cheese «Adygeisky»). The most optimal methods and doses of introducing iodinecontaining components were determined, a technological scheme for obtaining cheese «Adygeisky» enriched with iodine was developed.
About the Authors
O. G. SotchenkoBelarus
E. M. Voitekhovich
N. K. Zhabanos
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For citations:
Sotchenko O.G., Voitekhovich E.M., Zhabanos N.K. Study of quality indicators of iodine-containing cheese «Adygei» and development of a technological scheme of production. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2022;(17):156-161. (In Russ.)