Studying the possibility of combining vegetable and dairy raw materials in the manufacture of beverages
The combination of dairy and vegetable components has become widespread in the production of food products, including for children's and sports nutrition, on the world market. The article presents the results of scientific research to establish the technological features of the combination of dairy and vegetable raw materials in the production of beverages. The prescription composition of dairy and vegetable drinks with the use of plant extracts based on nuts and cereals has been established.
About the Authors
E. V. BespalovaBelarus
A. S. Ridetskaya
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For citations:
Bespalova E.V., Ridetskaya A.S. Studying the possibility of combining vegetable and dairy raw materials in the manufacture of beverages. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2022;(17):198-202. (In Russ.)