
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Studying the process of maturation of maturation of trimmed beef for the production of semi-finished chopped products with improved consumer properties


The article presents the results of studies of changes in the functional-technological and structural-mechanical parameters of trimmed beef with different contents of connective and fatty tissue during the maturation process, including in vacuum packaging, with the aim of producing chopped semi-finished products with improved consumer properties.

Based on a comprehensive analysis of the obtained research results, it was found that the use of natural maturation of beef in half-carcasses for 6 days, followed by isolation of beef of the highest and first grade, packing it in vacuum bags and aging for 6 days at a temperature of 4±2 °C allows to produce semi-finished products chopped (raw sausages) with improved consumer characteristics: the overall tasting score was 8.3– 8.4 points. This method of pre-ripening beef can also be recommended for beef with a higher content of connective tissue, primarily represented by collagen.

About the Authors

L. A. Charniauskaya
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry


S. A. Gordynets
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry


V. M. Napreenko
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry


T. V. Kusonskaya
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry


Zh. A. Yakhnovets
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry



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For citations:

Charniauskaya L.A., Gordynets S.A., Napreenko V.M., Kusonskaya T.V., Yakhnovets Zh.A. Studying the process of maturation of maturation of trimmed beef for the production of semi-finished chopped products with improved consumer properties. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2022;(17):235-245. (In Russ.)

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