The effectiveness of the use of fine aerosols of organic acids to prevent microbiological spoilage of meat raw materials
The article presents the results of scientific research on the use of fine aerosols with compositions of organic acids in order to improve the microbiological parameters of raw meat during storage.
It has been found that storage of organic acid compositions of meat raw materials treated with fine aerosols for 20 days in a refrigerator (temperature minus 1° C and relative humidity 85%) leads to a slight increase in microbial contamination of the meat surface according to the indicator KMAFAnM, BGCP, yeast-like and mold fungi and completely inactivates Listeria spp.
About the Authors
T. A. SavelyevaBelarus
T. V. Khovzun
V. B. Korako
E. V. Petrushchenko
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For citations:
Savelyeva T.A., Khovzun T.V., Korako V.B., Petrushchenko E.V. The effectiveness of the use of fine aerosols of organic acids to prevent microbiological spoilage of meat raw materials. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2022;(17):325-333. (In Russ.)