The relevance of the study is determined by the need to adapt the Russianagro-food complexanditsfoodchainstonewglobalchallengestoe nsure the country’s foodsecurity. The aim of the publicationis to studychanges in the dynamicsandstructure of milkproduction,identify trendsandsubstantiate the prospects for the development of dairyfarming in Russiaas a systemformingbranch of the dairy product chain.Assessment of change in volumeandstructure of milkproductioninRussiafrom2010to2022 is given.Theresults of the analysis of institutionalchangesindairyfarmingfrom1990to202 2 are presented.Trends in the development of dairyfarming have beenidentified,suchasmultiplicity,lowconcentration, and increasedinfluence of intensivefactorson the growth of rawmilkproduction. It is shownthat the positivedynamics of dairyproductivity does notcompensate the reduction of the dairyherd. As aresult of the sanctions, there is a withdrawal of the mainsuppliers of machineryandequipmentfor the production of milkanddairyproductsfrom the Russianmarket, a shortage of spare parts andcomponents, a failureintechnicalandservicemaintenance,whichin the futuremaybecome a brake on the development of the industry.Insufficientmilkproductionreduces the physicalandeconomicavailability of foodfor the population of the country,reduces the raw material base of the dairyindustry.Intheseconditions, agrifood policyshould take into account the balance of institutionalstructure of the industry,justify the mechanisms of structuralmaneuvering of resourcesandstructuraltransformations, and specifydevelopmenttargets. The role of the stateistoform a balancedstructure of dairyfarming in order torealize the advantages of variousorganizational and legalforms of management.
About the Authors
N. YakovenkoRussian Federation
I. Ivanenko
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Yakovenko N., Ivanenko I. TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DAIRY FARMING IN RUSSIA UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF SANCTIONS RESTRICTIONS. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2023;(18):61-69. (In Russ.)