The article presents the results of research aimed at studying the dairy productivity of sheep of different ages. The object of research was purebred Lacon sheep at the age of 1.5 years (n = 10); 2.5 years (n = 10); 3.5 years (n = 10); 4.5 years (n = 10), bred in the Republic of Crimea. Using the domestic InfraMilk analyzer, according to the research protocol based on the laboratory of advanced dairy resources of VNIIOK, a branch of the North Caucasian Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution, the indicators of the qualitative composition of milk (calorie content, percentage of mass fraction of fat and protein; lactose; mineral salts; SOMO) were studied. It was found that milk yield, mass fraction of fat and protein from lacons of different ages and lactation were: in the group of animals I lactation – 288.8 kg, 6.25 and 5.40% (or 18.05 and 15.60 kg); II lactation – 339.0 kg, 6.86 and 5.55% (or 23.26 and 18.81 kg); III lactation – 357.2 kg, 7.24 and 5.62% (or 25.86 and 20.07 kg); IV lactation – 364.8 kg,6.93 and 5.88% (or 28.93 and 21.45 kg). The obtained results of studies on the milk productivity of sheep of different lactation, allow us to conclude that there is a certain pattern and relationship between increasing milk productivity depending on the age of animals and their lactation. It should also be borne in mind that the level of dairy productivity may depend on heredity, breed, physiological condition, feeding conditions and animal husbandry.
About the Authors
A. SurovRussian Federation
E. Karpova
Russian Federation
A. Firsova
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Surov A., Karpova E., Firsova A. INDICATORS OF DAIRY PRODUCTIVITY OF LACON SHEEP, DEPENDING ON AGE AND LACTATION. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2023;(18):200-204. (In Russ.)