
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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This article provides a brief analysis of the composition of the nutrient media used for the cultivation of bifidobacteria. Objects of the research are strains of bifidobacteria of different types from RUE “Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry” Centralized industrial collection of lactic acid bacteria strains. The growth of bifidobacteria of different types in three nutrient media was analyzed at the initial stage of the study. As a result of data analysis the optimal nutrient medium, which has a stable structure, which provides a fairly high growth of microorganisms and makes it possible to evaluate the impact of injected components on the development of bifidobacteria was selected. The assessment of the impact of different concentrations of yeast extract on the growth of bifidobacteria depending on their species is given. It has been established that for the majority of the strains studied the maximal response was observed when 0.5% yeast extract was injected to the medium. A twofold increase of this component (to 1% ) contributed to further stimulation of cultures growth, but did not cause a proportional increase in the optical density for the majority of the strains tested. The exception was the strain 2630 B-O (B.longum), for which this parameter remained at the same level as in the medium containing 0.5% yeast extract. For B.bifidum species, the reaction to the appending of yeast extract to the nutrient media and to the increase of its concentration was specific for each strain.

About the Authors

V. Taras
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


N. Furyk
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


N. Zhabanos
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry



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For citations:

Taras V., Furyk N., Zhabanos N. STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF YEAST EXTRACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF BIFIDOBACTERIA. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2015;1(10):113-121. (In Russ.)

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