The paper presents an analysis of combined minced meat with addition of 5% to 40% of a plant protein preparation instead of the meat part. Based on the experimental data, the structural identification was carried out to find an optimal equation of the least order. Adequate models were built for changes in the moisture binding capacity, fat binding capacity and pH (parabola of the 3rd order) when replacing meat raw material with plant protein preparations. The authors suggest that it is possible to replace 10% of meat raw material with retention of satisfactory physico-chemical and functional technological indicators. The functional structure of the computer system for assessment of an effect of new components in emulsified meat products and prediction of their quality is shown, which includes structural parametric principles as well as structural-mechanical and functional-technological indicators of the initial raw material. It seems to be possible to predict quality of a future product by operating the initial data that characterize the composition and properties of raw material and ingredients, establishing boundary conditions and required levels of individual indicators, and using a system of computer modeling.
About the Authors
M. NikitinaRussian Federation
A. Zakharov
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Nikitina M., Zakharov A. COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR SAUSAGE QUALITY ASSESMENT. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2016;(11):132-137. (In Russ.)