The article analyzes the quality characteristics of dry concentrated starter cultures for cottage cheese and sour cream production at different temperatures of fermentation. Graphic dependencies reflecting the character of the change in active acidity of the milk raw material fermented by the studied starter cultures are given. The characteristics of the obtained coagulate depending on the fermentation temperature are analyzed. It was found that an increase in the fermentation temperature from 26 ° C to 39 ° C leads to an increase of fermenting and acid-forming activity, but there was a decrease in the gas- and aromaproducing ability of starter cultures for cottage cheese production with fermentation in the temperature range (37–39)ºC.
About the Authors
O. TitovaBelarus
N. Zhabanos
N. Furik
T. Savelyeva
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For citations:
Titova O., Zhabanos N., Furik N., Savelyeva T. TEMPERATURE INFLUENCE ON THE PROCESS OF MILK FERMENTATION BY STARTER CULTURES. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2017;(12):48-54. (In Russ.)