
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Influence of  the  vitamin additive  (complex of  730/4  "Rosh") on a  fermentation of the sour–milk products intended for a children's food is studied. For a fermentation of the milk enriched vitamin additive, used the polyspecific bacterial  concentrate  «Probilact»  consisting  from  probiotic  cultures:  Bifidobacterium  ssp.,  Streptococcus  salivarius  subsp.  thermophilus,  Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus acidophilus or Lactobacillus helveticus.It is shown, that during fermentation of milk the maintenance of the majority of vitamins decreased within 10%, vitamins group B decrease more than 20%,  after  storage  the  maintenance  of  vitamin  C  decreased  almost twice.Entering of a vitamin complex raised in the ferme nted product quantity of  viable  cells  of  Lactobacteria  more  than  in  4  times.  After  storage  within 10 days of the vitaminized sour-milk products at temperature (+6±2)о C total maintenances  of  lactic  acid  bacteria  decrease  (with  2,5*109 to  6,0*108CFU) and increase almost twice maintenances of probiotic Lactobacteria is noticed, that raises functionality of products.

About the Authors

N. Zhabanos
РУП «Институт мясо–молочной промышленности»
Russian Federation

K. Kononovich
РУП «Институт мясо–молочной промышленности»
Russian Federation

A. Lushch
РУП «Институт мясо–молочной промышленности»
Russian Federation

K. Safronenko
РУП «Институт мясо–молочной промышленности»
Russian Federation

N. Furik
РУП «Институт мясо–молочной промышленности»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Zhabanos N., Kononovich K., Lushch A., Safronenko K., Furik N. SOUR–MILK PRODUCTS WITH VITAMINS. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2009;(4):125-133. (In Russ.)

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