
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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 The ambassador of meat is examined not only as a method of canning of meat raw material and prepared products but also as one of receptions of technological treatment, allowing to modify properties of basic raw material for the subsequent making from him different kinds and groups of meat. Especially effectively the ultrasonic field, that diminishes a frontier layer, promotes the temperature of brine, changes permeability of fibres, intensifies the processes of salting, tearing connections between them. Salts of alkaline metals are widely used in food industry - potassium and natrium, answering acid, food phosphates. It is possible to assert coming from researches, that the amount of phosphates in composition brines subject to sonokhimichesky treatment can be mionectic on 20%, that, undoubtedly, considerably will promote the degree of ecofriendlyness of the produced products and will bring down the chemical loading on the organism of consumer.

About the Author

О. N. Aniskevich
ОАО «Пинский мясокомбинат»


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For citations:

Aniskevich О.N. USING OF SONOKHIMICHESKY TREATMENT OF BRINES FOR SALTING OF MEAT. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2011;(6):274-282. (In Russ.)

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