Investigation of the rheological characteristics and level of synthesis of exopolysaccharides (eps) by the consortium of streptococcus salivarius subsp. Thermophilus and lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus at different temperature in process of milk fermentation
The article provides the results of studies on the influence of temperature conditions of milk fermentation in the manufacture of yogurt on the characteristics of milk clots and the level of EPS production. The characteristics of the samples of reconstituted skim milk fermented by consortia of lactic acid microorganisms for the manufacture of starter and viscous consistency yoghurt starter cultures under temperature conditions are determined: (43 ± 1)°С, (38 ± 1)°С, (35 ± 1)°С and ( 30 ± 1)°С. It was noted that with a decrease in the fermentation temperature from (43±1)°C to (30±1)°С, the organoleptic characteristics of the formed clot are evaluated differently. At the fermentation temperature of (30±1)°С, the lowest degree of syneresis was noted: 45% for the consortium, during the fermentation of milk raw materials forming clumps of inviscid consistency, 29% for the consortium, during the fermentation of milk raw materials forming clumps of viscous consistency. At the same time, it was found that at fermentation temperatures of (43±1)°С and (30±1)°С, the highest level of EPS synthesis for consortia was noted: (2107 ST-A+2674 TL-AV) – 874.6 and 667.9 μg / ml, (1141 ST-AV+2674 TLAV) – 683.9 and 541.3 μg / ml.
About the Authors
O. GolovachBelarus
M. Babitskaya
N. Zhabanos
I. Pyzhik
M. Korkina
T. Smaliak
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For citations:
Golovach O., Babitskaya M., Zhabanos N., Pyzhik I., Korkina M., Smaliak T. Investigation of the rheological characteristics and level of synthesis of exopolysaccharides (eps) by the consortium of streptococcus salivarius subsp. Thermophilus and lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus at different temperature in process of milk fermentation. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):58-67. (In Russ.)