The study of quantitative determination of stable isotopes In milk, water and feeds aimed at the identification Of the origin of dairy products
Samples of milk, water, and feed for farm animals were studied to determine the ratio of stable isotopes of the light elements carbon δ13C, oxygen δ18O, nitrogen δ15N. Samples were selected in different geographical and climatic zones of the Republic of Belarus. It was found that the isotopic composition of milk varies in different regions depending on the diet of animals and the season.
About the Authors
A. MeliashcheniaBelarus
T. Senchenko
T. Smaliak
T. Savelieva
M. Korkina
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For citations:
Meliashchenia A., Senchenko T., Smaliak T., Savelieva T., Korkina M. The study of quantitative determination of stable isotopes In milk, water and feeds aimed at the identification Of the origin of dairy products. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2019;1(14):68-76. (In Russ.)