Exopolysaccharides content in the samples of functional fermented milk products
The article provides the results of studies on the level of exopolysaccharides synthesis in fermented milk bioproducts made using lactic acid and probiotic cultures: the samples «Bifi-mult» made with the use of four consortium cultures, included in the dry concentrated starter culture «Probylact-6» the samples «Bifitat» made with the use of two consortium cultures included in the dry concentrated starter «Probylact-2», bio sour cream samples obtained using three consortium of microorganisms for the production of starter culture for bio sour cream.
About the Authors
O. GolovachBelarus
N. Zhabanos
N. Furik
M. Babitskaya
T. Smaliak
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For citations:
Golovach O., Zhabanos N., Furik N., Babitskaya M., Smaliak T. Exopolysaccharides content in the samples of functional fermented milk products. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2020;1(15):48-54. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/2220-8755-2020-15-48-54