
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Modern technology for the production of milk-based dry instant mixes for the preparation of hot drinks


The technology of production of dry milk mixes for the preparation of hot drinks, including with the use of vending machines, is of particular interest from the point of view of import substitution with high-quality natural domestic products using their own raw materials. The article presents the results of research on the development of technology for the production of instant milk powder mixtures and their applicability in vending machines.

About the Authors

O. Soroko
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


E. Bespalova
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


I. Miklukh
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


G. Pinchuk
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


N. Galaktionova
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry



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For citations:

Soroko O., Bespalova E., Miklukh I., Pinchuk G., Galaktionova N. Modern technology for the production of milk-based dry instant mixes for the preparation of hot drinks. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2020;1(15):110-118. (In Russ.)

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