Studying the influence of thermal and acidic factors on efficiency of thermoacid coagulation of proteins in the production of soft cheeses
The article presents the results of research to study the influenceof thermal and acidic factors on the efficiency of thermoacid coagulation of proteins in the production of soft cheeses. It was determined that the greatest efficiency of coagulation is achieved when using coagulants with an active acidity of (2.37±0,02) units. The optimal coagulation temperatures for the studied types of coagulants have been determined. Also, in the course of the work, the dependence of the organoleptic characteristics of the cheese on the type of coagulant was established.
About the Authors
A. PodryabinkinaBelarus
L. Bahdanava
I. Bahdanau
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For citations:
Podryabinkina A., Bahdanava L., Bahdanau I. Studying the influence of thermal and acidic factors on efficiency of thermoacid coagulation of proteins in the production of soft cheeses. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2020;1(15):119-126. (In Russ.)