
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Requirements for the quality of milk as raw material for the production of cheese


Requirements for the quality of "raw milk" used for processing into dairy products are different. Depending on the purpose, type and technology of production of various dairy products, milk must have certain properties. The most important dairy product in human nutrition is cheese. Cheese contains all the nutrients of milk in concentrated form. It is a source of biologically complete protein, rich in fats and vitamins. The calcium and phosphorus salts it contains help to strengthen bone tissue. In this regard, cheeses should be included in the daily diet of various categories and age groups of the population, especially in regions with a difficult ecological situation. When producing any kind of cheese, an important place is given to the composition and properties of milk, processed raw materials. There is a special concept - "Cheese milk", so the organization of cheese production should begin with the study of milk, the characteristics of its properties and composition. In terms of density and acidity, milk from cows of all groups at different periods of calving met the requirements of DSTU for premium milk. The density of milk was in the range of 1.027-1.028 g / cm3, acidity 16.50-17.45 ° T, mass fraction of fat 4.11-4.43%, protein 3.25-3.29%. With an increase in the amount of fat in milk, the protein content decreased, the highest fat content was observed in cows of the fourth group (4.43%), while the group had the lowest protein content - 3.25%. The lowest indicators in terms of fat content of milk were in cows of the second group (4.11%), and in terms of protein content - the highest in the first group (3.29%). The higher the fat utilization, the lower the milk consumption per kg of cheese derived from it. They were the smallest in cows of autumn (7.29 kg) and spring (7.43 kg) calving, and the highest in cows of winter (8.05 kg) and summer (7.96 kg) calving. At the same time, the difference between the minimum and maximum indicators was 0.76 kg or 10.4%. Low milk costs per 1 kg of cheese obtained from it were found in autumn (7.29 kg) and spring (7.43 kg) calving cows, high in winter (8.05 kg) and summer (7.96 kg) calving cows.

About the Authors

T. Golubenko
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


E. Razanova
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University



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For citations:

Golubenko T., Razanova E. Requirements for the quality of milk as raw material for the production of cheese. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2020;1(15):146-154. (In Russ.)

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