
Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials

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Process methods for reducing (preventing of the formation) potentially dangerous substances in the production of meat products


The article presents the results of research on technological methods that contribute to reducing the content (prevention of formation) of potentially dangerous substances in the production of meat products. The main factors affecting the reduction (prevention of formation) of trans-isomers of fatty acids in the manufacture of products are identified: the use of raw materials with a small content of adipose tissue and vegetable oils (if necessary) with an initially low content of trans-isomers of fatty acids, a decrease in the duration and temperature of heat treatment, modification of the used fats. It has been found that the most effective methods of reducing benzapirene content in the production of meat products are: selection of the type and composition of wood, checking the moisture content of wood, controlling the amount of oxygen, the temperature in the melting zone (at the stage of smoke generation) and the temperature of smoke in the smoking chamber, the duration of smoking, selecting the smoking chamber and equipment of rational construction, filtering or cooling smoke, cleaning smoke from soot between the smoke generator and the smoking chamber, etc. The main factors affecting the reduction (prevention of formation) of nitrosamines in the manufacture of meat products were identified: a decrease in the amount of nitrite salting mixture used (subject to product safety indicators), a decrease in the temperature and duration of heat treatment of products, the manufacture of natural products with short shelf life, the use of ascorbates, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, glucose delta lactone (HDL) to inhibit the formation of nitrosamines and to increase the intensity and stability of coloration of finished products, etc.

About the Authors

I. Kaltovich
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


T. Savelyeva
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry


A. Antipina
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry



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For citations:

Kaltovich I., Savelyeva T., Antipina A. Process methods for reducing (preventing of the formation) potentially dangerous substances in the production of meat products. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2020;1(15):166-181. (In Russ.)

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