Comparative analysis of influence of different methods of technological preparation of collagen-containing raw material on its quality indicators
The article presents the results of research on the comparative analysis of the influence of various methods of technological preparation of collagen-containing raw materials on its quality indicators. It was established that the preliminary preparation of collagen-containing raw materials allows increasing the amino acid grades of essential amino acids: isoleucine (up to 70.0-92.5%), leucine (up to 68.6-100.0%), phenylalanine and tyrosine (up to 60.0-75.0%) - acid, alkaline, enzymatic hydrolysis, hydrolysis in aqueous medium, fermentation with bacteria of the genus Lactobacacus methionine and cysteine (up to 37.1-42.9%) - acid, alkaline, enzymatic hydrolysis (plant origin), fermentation by bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus; threonine (up to 87.3-115.0%) - hydrolysis in an aqueous medium, alkaline, enzymatic hydrolysis (plant and animal origin); valine (up to 106.0-110.0%) - hydrolysis in an aqueous medium, acid and enzymatic hydrolysis (of animal origin). It was determined that the collagen-containing raw material subjected to technological preparation is characterized by ratios (PNZHK + MNZHK): NZHK (1.8-2.2) and PNZHK: MNZHK: NZHK (hydrolysis in aqueous medium - 1: 2.61: 1.83, acid method - 1: 3.56: 2.14, alkaline method - 1: 3.60: 2.11, enzymatic method: plant origin - 1: 3.54: 2.50, animal origin - 1: 3.12: 1.92), fermentation by bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus - 1: 3.73: 2.38).
About the Authors
A. MeliashcheniaBelarus
T. Savelyeva
I. Kaltovich
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For citations:
Meliashchenia A., Savelyeva T., Kaltovich I. Comparative analysis of influence of different methods of technological preparation of collagen-containing raw material on its quality indicators. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2020;1(15):207-221. (In Russ.)