Rational technological parameters for production of pork-based products with reduced content of fatty acid transisomers
The article presents the results of studies to determine the rational technological parameters of the production of natural and chopped semi-finished products based on pork of general purpose and for nutrition of children of preschool and school age, characterized by a reduced content of transisomers of fatty acids. It was found that reduction of layer thickness (up to 0.4 cm) (chop) and weight of products (up to 75 g - general purpose, 50 g - for nutrition of children of preschool and school age), use of animal fat in amount of 4% to weight of raw materials, mixture of sunflower oil and water (ratio 1:2 - 1:4, V (oils) = 3% of the raw material weight), roasting/extinguishing at low temperature conditions (t = 115 ºC) to the temperature in the center of the products 95 ºC for 17-25 minutes allows to reduce the content of transisomers of fatty acids in the finished products 1.6-1.8 times (0.09-0.14% of the total fatty acids). The use of the established technological parameters for the manufacture of natural and chopped pork-based semi-finished products contributes to the expansion of the range of high-quality competitive products, including for children of various age groups.
About the Authors
I. KaltovichBelarus
T. Savelyeva
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For citations:
Kaltovich I., Savelyeva T. Rational technological parameters for production of pork-based products with reduced content of fatty acid transisomers. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2021;(16):162-176. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/2220-8755-2021-16-162-176