Studying the content of vitamins and minerals in food hen eggs sold on the market of the Republic of Belarus
The article presents the results of a study of the content of vitamins and minerals in samples of hen eggs of various weight categories, produced at one of the domestic poultry farms according to two regulatory documents (according to technical conditions and STB 254). It has been established that all egg samples are characterized by a fairly high content of such minerals as phosphorus (188.2–212.4 mg/100 g), iron (1.651–2.888 mg/100 g), zinc (0.826–2.259 mg/100 g) – the percentage of satisfaction of the daily requirement for them was more than 10%. Compared to the literature data, the egg samples were characterized by a higher content of trace elements – copper, zinc, iron – and all macronutrients, with the exception of calcium. Egg samples of all categories, made according to specifications, contained 25–50% more selenium than egg samples made according to STB 254. It was noted that all egg samples are a valuable source of vitamins B2, A, E and especially vitamin D. Thus, the use of 100 g of egg content allows you to satisfy the daily requirement for vitamin D by (39.4 ± 4.41)%. In addition, in eggs of all categories, produced according to specifications, a higher percentage of satisfaction of the daily requirement for vitamins A and D was noted than in egg samples produced according to STB 254 – by 5.9–21.1% and 5.0–25.5%, respectively, and less high in vitamin E (by 22.7–40.7%), which is probably due to the different diet of chickens[1]laying hens.
About the Authors
L. CharniauskayaBelarus
S. Gordynets
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For citations:
Charniauskaya L., Gordynets S. Studying the content of vitamins and minerals in food hen eggs sold on the market of the Republic of Belarus. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2021;(16):236-245. (In Russ.)