Analysis of the economic efficiency and social importance of new vegetarian products from plant raw materials, alternative to meat
The article describes the criteria for the economic efficiency and social significance of new vegetarian products made from plant materials, alternatives to meat. It has been shown that the main competitive consumer properties of products include their uniqueness, high nutritional and biological value, appearance, which is involuntarily associated with meat sausages, and low cost compared to vegetarian products on the market (1.4–2 times lower ). For the manufacturer, the economic importance of such products is determined by the following criteria: high utilization of raw materials and reduction in the amount of production waste, high speed of product production, long shelf life of ingredients, lack of production reserves. The developed new vegetarian products have great social significance, since in addition to people who adhere to a vegetarian diet of their own free will, they can become an alternative to meat products in terms of nutritional and biological value for people who adhere to a partially or completely meat-free diet for medical reasons, or to maintain organism of the religious part of the population during Lent.
About the Authors
S. A. GordynetsBelarus
A. R. Antipina
L. A. Chernyavskaya
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For citations:
Gordynets S.A., Antipina A.R., Chernyavskaya L.A. Analysis of the economic efficiency and social importance of new vegetarian products from plant raw materials, alternative to meat. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2022;(17):87-100. (In Russ.)