Determination of nitrosamine formation level in production of meat products based on pork and beef
The article presents the results of studies to determine the level of nitrosamine formation in the production of pork and beef-based semi-smoked sausage products. The level of nitrosamine formation in pork sausage semi-smoked products is found to vary from 2,9×10-4 mg/kg (smoking at 36°C for 1.5 hour) and increases to 8,5×10-4 mg/kg with increasing the temperature and duration of this process to 50°C and 6 hours. However, smoking sausages at 43°C and 50°C increases the level of nitrosamines in finished products by up to 1.5 and 1.7 times compared to products smoked at a minimum temperature (36°C) (7,9×10-4 and 8,5×10-4 mg/kg, respectively). It is determined that in the manufacture of beef-based sausages, the lowest level of nitrosamine formation is distinguished by products smoked at a minimum temperature (36ºS) and process duration (1.5 hours) - 2,3×10-4 mg/kg, while an increase in process temperature to 43°C leads to an increase in the content of these potentially dangerous substances by 1.4 times (3,3×10-4 mg/kg), up to 50°C - 1.7 times (4,0×10-4 mg/kg)increase of process duration up to 6 hours - by 2.0-2.3 times (5,2×10-4 - 7,8×10-4 mg/kg). Taking into account the levels of nitrosamine formation in the production of sausages, depending on the parameters of technological processes, will make it possible to select rational modes of product production and thereby expand the range of high-quality competitive products.
About the Authors
I. V. KaltovichBelarus
V. S. Shakalinskауa
I. O. Chernuho
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For citations:
Kaltovich I.V., Shakalinskауa V.S., Chernuho I.O. Determination of nitrosamine formation level in production of meat products based on pork and beef. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2022;(17):262-272. (In Russ.)