In order to support domestic manufacturers in the production of specialized food products, a specialized food product for dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition has been developed with the scientific support of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology". Based on medical and biological recommendations, low-fat milk raw materials were used to manufacture the product, which additionally included a number of functional food ingredients. A fermented milk product was produced from the resulting mixture using the reservoir method. In order to produce a product with guaranteed indicators of hygienic and microbiological safety, the quality management system in effect at the production facility was updated. Before approving the regulatory documentation for the product, its shelf life was tested based on the provisions of the guidelines and sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. To confirm the shelf life of the specialized fermented milk product - 21 days, comprehensive studies of three batches of products in original packaging made of polypropylene and aluminum foil were carried out. Two batches of the fermented milk product were stored for 28 days at a controlled temperature of (4±2)°C, one batch - at a temperature aggravated to (9±1)°C. During this period, the samples were periodically tested for the parameters stipulated by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. In parallel with the microbiological studies, the organoleptic properties and preservation of the product's presentation were monitored. Throughout the entire testing period, the organoleptic properties of the product remained unchanged; pathogenic microorganisms, yeast and mold were never detected in the samples. The number of lactic acid microorganisms in all tested samples of the fermented milk product over 28 days was at least 1•107 CFU/g. Based on the studies performed, the shelf life of the developed product was set at 21 days from the end of the technological process.
About the Authors
N. EfimochkinaRussian Federation
A. Novokshanova
Russian Federation
I. Bykova
Russian Federation
Yu. Smotrina
Russian Federation
O. Oksenenko
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Efimochkina N., Novokshanova A., Bykova I., Smotrina Yu., Oksenenko O. SUBSTANTIATION OF SHELF LIFE OF SPECIALIZED FERMENTED MILK PRODUCT. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2023;(18):175-182. (In Russ.)