The results of the first stage of work under the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-16-00163 "Emergent pathogens of the genus Cronobacter (E. sakazakii) in domestically produced baby food products: new safety aspects" are presented.
The presence of C.sakazakii in dry products for feeding and complementary feeding of young children, as well as components for their manufacture, circulating on the Russian market, was established with frequency from 1.6% to 11.1%% at levels 0,01 - 10 CFU/g, dangerous for a susceptible organism. The highest frequency of pathogen detection was recorded in components intended for dry mixing.
The results of the first stage of work under the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-16-00163 "Emergent pathogens of the genus Cronobacter (E. sakazakii) in domestically produced baby food products: new safety aspects" are presented.
The presence of C.sakazakii in dry products for feeding and complementary feeding of young children, as well as components for their manufacture, circulating on the Russian market, was established with frequency from 1.6% to 11.1%% at levels 0,01 - 10 CFU/g, dangerous for a susceptible organism. The highest frequency of pathogen detection was recorded in components intended for dry mixing.
The presence of C.sakazakii in dry products for feeding and complementary feeding of young children, as well as components for their manufacture, circulating on the Russian market, was established with frequency from 1.6% to 11.1%% at levels 0,01 - 10 CFU/g, dangerous for a susceptible organism. The highest frequency of pathogen detection was recorded in components intended for dry mixing.
Assessment of the full-cycle milk formulas technology using the microbiological risk assessment methodology showed the possibility of preserving of pathogen in quantities exceeding the established standard for C.sakazakii in finished products (<0.003 CFU/g), with a coliforms content in raw milk of 3x105 CFU/g and higher.
The need to increase the requirements for the microbiological quality of raw milk for the production of baby food, as well as the introduction of molecular analysis methods for the control of pathogens of the genus Cronobacter in products for young children, is substantiated.
To reduce the risk of Cronobacter spp. contamination of the environment at enterprises producing dry infants foods, the need to optimize HACCP systems at all stages of production, including disinfection of equipment and inventory is substantiated. This is due to the confirmed greater resistance of C.sakazakii to the effects of temperatures, disinfectants in comparison with other types of enterobacteria contaminating dry products.
About the Authors
N. EfimochkinaRussian Federation
S. Sheveleva
Russian Federation
Yu. Markova
Russian Federation
Yu. Smotrina
Russian Federation
I. Bykova
Russian Federation
A. Polyanina
Russian Federation
V. Stetsenko
Russian Federation
E. Simonenko
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Efimochkina N., Sheveleva S., Markova Yu., Smotrina Yu., Bykova I., Polyanina A., Stetsenko V., Simonenko E. EMERGENT CRONOBACTER PATHOGENS IN CHILDREN'S FOOD PRODUCTS IN RUSSIA: CONTAMINATION CHARACTERISTICS, MINIMIZATION PATHS. Topical Issues of Processing of Meat and Milk Raw Materials. 2023;(18):272-279. (In Russ.)